Truck driver becomes Santa to bring joy to children
Bob Jordan as Santa Claus (Photo/submitted)
By Janice Elizabeth Berte, Contributing Writer
Framingham – His name is Santa Claus, and he only comes once a year. But one Framingham Santa drove tractor trailers for 43 years before donning the persona of the most beloved icons in American culture.
Truck driver Bob Jordan’s girlfriend Jan was the first to suggest that he take on the role of Santa Claus, since his step-father had worn the red suit for many years. One day, as Jordan’s step-father dressed for his gig at a nursing home, Jordan offered to join him as an elf. After seeing the joy on the resident’s faces, Jordan knew right away that dressing as a Santa Claus was his new calling.
After discussing his new career with his step-father, Jordan attended a professional school called Tim Conahan’s Traveling School for Santas out of California. The two-day classes, which run throughout the country, cover issues such as appearance, make-up application, venues, stage fright, presentation skills, sign language, website development and payment. After completion of this course, Jordan received a certificate that confirms he is an official Santa Claus.
In addition to taking the classes, Jordan also belongs to the New England Santa Society based in Manchester, N.H. This is where all the New England Santas meet to discuss ideas and stories about being Santa Claus.
Jordan has funny memories from his appearances as Santa.
At one appearance, Jordan asked a 7-year-old girl if she puts away her toys at her house, or takes her plate to the sink after every meal, and her response was “No, that’s why we have a maid.”
Another time, a young child whispered to Jordan, saying “I don’t believe in Santa Claus, but was going along with the other kids to keep the children happy.” Jordan responded: “Santa enters through the heart, and it is always better to give than to receive.”
The brown leather “List” book that Jordan carries to his events consists of all the children’s names and their positive accomplishments that they achieved throughout the year.
Jordan usually travels within Metrowest, but on occasion he will travel outside of the area. One of his big gigs is being Santa Claus at Wellesley’s Tree Lighting event, coupled with many residential and country club parties.
One of the best things Jordan loves about his job as Santa Claus is listening to the children’s questions, and “to listen with a child’s ear.”
Jordan conveys to the children “that he will always love them and do what he can to help them, but he asks that they be a good person and stay positive.”
December 2, 2017