Pedal to End Cancer
Picture and story submitted by Janice Elizabeth Berte.
Wayside Athletic Club cycling instructor Nia Benoit recently led thirty-three bike riders, ages five to seventy years in a special “Pedal to End Cancer” event for the American Cancer Society. It was the fourteenth year the event has been held at the club.
At hour number two, Benoit ran a slideshow that inspired the cyclists with footage and motivational messages from previous Pedal to End Cancer events. One of the many quotes from the slideshow was, “Life is fragile, hope is strong. All good things begin with hope.”
According to Benoit, the event raised more than $21K this year to bring the fourteen-year total to $255K. The top fundraiser for Wayside Athletic Club was Southborough resident Denise Howard who raised $4,935.
There were four cancer survivors who participated in this event, and several teams including Sam’s Club, Peddling for Papa, Jags Ride, Dedicated Divas, and Wayside Spin Instructors. Landry’s Bicycles loaned and adapted bike stands for the young children so they could use their own bikes.
“We are hoping for a cure so that others will never have to bear the emotional and physical burdens of a cancer diagnosis,” said Benoit.
Wayside member Andy Baker added, “Spinning in a room with family and friends connected to those who fought a courageous battle and/or survived was an emotional high for me. It is a way of giving back to my brother, sister, mother-in-law, and friends who have been affected by cancer.”
Baker, who is a recipient of a heart and kidney transplant, noted, “On this day, it is all about celebrating the gift of life.”